Dr Hardik Patel EarlsfieldDermatologiste, ... (Earlsfield)




Heures d'ouverture

Lundi 18:00 - 20:00
Mardi 18:00 - 20:00
Mercredi 18:00 - 20:00
Jeudi 18:00 - 20:00
Vendredi Fermé
Samedi Fermé
Dimanche Fermé

La description

I am a min­i­mally invasive cosmetic sur­geon based in Lon­don. I under­take work in Lon­don and sur­round­ing coun­ties where I spe­cialise in non-surgical facial reju­ve­na­tion. I keep abreast of recent advances in the field of cos­metic med­i­cine by reg­u­larly attend­ing meet­ings and I am heav­ily involved in teach­ing and train­ing. I aim to pro­vide a friendly, per­sonal and safe ser­vice. I use a wide vari­ety of skills and tech­niques in order to achieve the very best results whilst min­imis­ing dis­com­fort and enhanc­ing recovery.

I aim to pro­vide the very high­est stan­dards and there­fore firmly believe in bespoke treat­ments for each patient. With my training in Plastic Surgery, VASER liposuction and non-surgical facial aesthetic treatments I am able to pro­vide min­i­mally inva­sive cos­metic sur­gi­cal pro­ce­dures for the whole body.

“I like to take time to lis­ten and under­stand my patient’s expec­ta­tions and con­cerns before giv­ing an open and hon­est opin­ion. I believe that cos­metic pro­ce­dures should only be under­taken after all issues have been dis­cussed and con­sid­ered care­fully. I use a wide range of tech­niques and aim to pro­duce excel­lent, nat­ural look­ing results.”

. The following parking opportunity are available: Street pay-at-meter parking is available in Wandsworth. Sunninghill/Ascot has free parking behind the clinic for up to 2 hours. There is a patients bathroom. International travel - I treat patients from all countries. The clinic can help you in local travel. Local accommodation - I am able to suggest local suitable accommodation. GMC - General Medical Council (UK) . RCSEng - Royal College of Surgeons of England (Northern Ireland).


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