Dr. MichaelidesДантист (Nicosia)



The word plastic comes from the Greek word “Plastikos”, which means to mould or to give form. Plastic surgery enables us to mould / re-form the human body. Plastic surgery specially encompasses both reconstructive surgery and aesthetic surgery popularly referred to as cosmetic surgery.

 Reconstructive surgery restores or improves physical function and minimizes disfigurement from accidents, disease or birth defects. While not essential to physical health, aesthetic surgery can make a significant contribution to the quality of life by improving the appearance of the normal body features and enhancing your self-image.

Statistics show that each year, hundreds of thousands of people elect aesthetic surgery to change the way they look. Some have noticeable changes made, others - subtle refinements. Once considered the exclusive domain of women, aesthetic surgery now is in demand by men who recognize the results and benefits it can bring.

 The ideal candidate for aesthetic surgery is an individual who recognizes a specific area in which his or her appearance could be improved and has a strong personal desire to make a change. This personal desire may be influenced to some degree but the individual\'s role in society because our culture is youth-oriented; people seek ways to counter the effects of aging on their appearance. Many elect surgery to look as young as they feel, to build confidence after a lifestyle change or to maintain their competitive edge in the workplace.

 Whatever your reasons for choosing aesthetic surgery it is important to have realistic expectations. Improving a feature of your face or body may give you great self-confidence and add to your sense of well-being, but is not a guarantee of happiness or better relationships with others.

 Surgery can enhance your appearance; the rest is up to you.

